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Saturday, January 19, 2013

How to become self trained financial expert?

Dear Reader,

I am sure most of you read my previous article about are we prepared for higher prices and low income , if not read by clicking here. Today I am going to discuss about how to become self trained financial expert so that you can help your self and slowly start working with couple of clients to help them making good decision in financial decision. I am sure when it comes to the topic of financial expertise lot of us think we know every thing and some of us think it's complicated topic not so easy to understand, we require advance degree to understand. But all these things are not correct. Even my self I'm not expert in all topics I am still learning. I would like to be a life time student. But I'm happy to share what I know with all my friends. Today I'm going to share with you how you can start becoming self taught financial expert in one of the topics in vast industry.

Simply breaking the topic into small topics so that we can start learning.

Personal financial planning: this topic can be broken down to multiple topics again.
  • Family budget planning
  • Debt reduction
  • Savings
  • Investment
  • Insurance
  • Planning for retirement
  • Planning for children education
  • Tax savings tips.

What type of books we need to read to gain knowledge about this. I am sure now a days through internet we find more reading options than any other time in history. But its always good to pick a book and start reading , that will help us a lot. I recommend you to start reading The Answer Money Book by Dav Ramsey. It's small and easy to understand, you can start your baby steps by reading this book. In upcoming articles I will provide more book references. If you need some good training about these topics please contact me at my email

What are you prepared to for better tomorrow?

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